Tuesday, March 27, 2012

wonder manic dysphoria powers, activate!

today's flavor: H Y P O M A N I A
anxiety : 1
agitation : 1

In the past week, I made myself some money by ghost-writing website content, travel book articles, recipes and what-not.  It's not a lot of cash, but it's extra income nonetheless.  Besides, I'm merely on starting rates right now; after I produce 30 articles with good ratings, I can begin receiving up to ten dollars for a churning out a single serving of spam short work.  Not great, but not bad.  It keeps my mind sharp and my hands productive when I'm not ministering, drawing, snapping photos, making jewelry or otherwise occupied by some leisure activity.  Oh yesss, I is a busy bee.

I'd much prefer copy-editing or content-editing to writing though.  I'm quite good at it, given my OC behavior.  Cannily it is also due to my OCB that I find writing tiring, especially creative writing. Anyway, I just applied for an online editing job, and I'm hopingpraying that I get it.  In the meantime, I shall rest for a while to study for a class I'll be teaching on Saturday. Oh yesss, I is a busy bee.


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