Wednesday, July 29, 2009

when i am elevated ...

Got this idea from another bipolar blogger. Thought it'd be useful. :)

If you are family, a friend or coworker, it would benefit us both if you knew this. Below is a list of behavior patterns symptomatic of my manic / elevated episodes.  When I start exhibiting  one or more of the following, I need you to be understanding, and maybe even helpful.


REMINDER:  Elevation or mania is not just "being happy" or "busy". It's actually more complex than that.

when I am elevated....

I would  have a lot of energy that spills over into my social interactions, involvements and everything else.

I tend to be happier than usual, sometimes illogically or insensitively so. I can be happy or unaffected at a situation that calls for sadness, or can poke fun at a serious matter. This is no reflection of my logic, understanding or character, but just an indication that I cannot access the proper emotion at the moment.

I may giggle by myself due to finding an amusing connection that others won't find humorous.  

I might not have the ability to access sad emotions.  I can empathize, but not fully sympathize.

I will be busier than usual and won't normally bother with the small details.  On normal days I am very obsessive meticulous about grammar, spelling and minutia, but when I am elevated I tend to gloss over things so I could move quickly to the next project.

I will tend to be less organized than usual.  Instead of putting things back where they belong, I will prefer to have my supplies where I can easily access them.

I will be more productive than usual.  I will accomplish a surprising amount of work quickly. 

I will be more creative.  Ideas and inspirations will come in rapid succession.  This is the best time for me to brainstorm.

I may snicker to myself, because of finding something clever or amusing in the waves of ideas in my head.

I tend to be excessively friendly, intrusive and loud.  I will likely be too annoying for some people's tastes.

I would talk quickly and loudly, and most people will not be able to follow.  I try my best not to be condescending, but I will likely come off as condescending to those who can't follow.  I can be sadistic and impetuous.

I could snap at people, whether it was called for or not. I do not do this intentionally or consciously; it just happens due to the excess in energy. I don't notice this until after, when I am calm; I make apologies when necessary.  Try not to take it personally.

I would be tactless. Verbally harassing when provoked.  Verbally murderous when provoked even more.  I may not even be aware that I offend, because I find it  enjoyable to make people squirm.

When people snap back at me, this fuels the elevation, so I tend to come back at them by engaging in a full-on attack that will insult and injure, and I will take an enormous delight in doing so. Again, this is not intentional nor conscious; just extremely enjoyable to the point that I will not want to stop. I don't notice this until after, when I am calm.

Although extremely happy, I tend to be very anxious and agitated, and even easily angered.
* A note for Pharisees, in defense of myself: I know that Christians are not supposed to be easily angered, but bear in mind that those scriptures presuppose an absence of a chemical imbalance, just as verses like sing, shout and clap your hands presuppose a voice and the presence of hands. Bear also in mind that under the New Covenant, the spirit of the law takes precedence over its letter.  Furthermore, I may be easily angered when elevated, I am not when I am at baseline.

It is possible for me to be angry and happy at the same time. Like one of those Happy Tree Friends.

It is both difficult and easy to focus or concentrate. I will have the mental ability for extreme focus for one thing at a time; the rush of ideas makes me want to go from one thing to another.

I can't sleep unless I rely on heavy-duty prescription drugs. Melatonin or supplements like Sleep M.D. won't work; OTCs like Dyphenhydramine or Antihistamine won't either (but I shouldn't take those as they interact with Lithium).

I am more faith-filled than usual. My faith will be solid and sure, sometimes I will not even have the slightestbit of doubt or fear.   I would be very brave in asking God for things, and He responds to my faith.

I would feel great and confident, often to the point of arrogant.
I will move, talk and eat a lot.

I will often be often restless and antsy, and will feel the need to go out and do something.

I may do or say things that I would regret later on. At the moment, I would find it funny, interesting or necessary, though others may find it hurtful or inappropriate. It is only after I calm down when I would realize that what I said might have been offensive.

I can be impulsive and spontaneous.

If I had money, I would spend it all. I understand the general concept of budgeting but will tend to ignore it when I feel too happy.


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