Thursday, July 24, 2008

Little Joys and the Happy Happy Joy Joy Monster

severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | normal | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx : 0 , agit : 0

I brought my bunny-friends to visit a little girl the other day. There was a small gathering in honor of her birthday, a sort of mini house-party with her parents and mostly adult guests. I brought the rabbits at the request of her mom, so they could see if a rabbit would make a suitable house-pet. The hosts allowed me to let the bunnies loose, and that was to the delight of the little girl who seemed so excited and overjoyed to have cute, furry, little visitors in her home. The other visitors didn't mind; they even seemed to enjoy the presence of the things hopping around, adding life to our little gathering ("Ooh! They're so cuuute!"). I had to request everyone not to handle the rabbits though; I didn't want to risk any upsets or injuries. The bunnies loved hopping around the apartment as well - the place was bunny-safe, had carpets, a lot and furniture to crawl under (and old books to chew on .. oops!). The little rabbits kept the celebrant bouncing and roaring, and the whole busy, joyful atmosphere was a good lift to everyone present.

Several little joys conglomerated into a happy happy joy joy monster: Sharing with a little girl as she celebrated her birthday. Seeing her love her cake candle and have loads of fun even if she didn't have any guests her age. Being in the presence of shiny, happy people around the shiny, happy little girl. Little bunnies running around; friends going "ooh!"and "aah!" at them, and telling me that my bunny-friends look like the happiest and healthiest (and most spoiled, hee hee) house-rabbits they've seen. A personally uplifting bit about Abraham from the Bible afterward. And oodles of homemade food, including the cake that tasted so wonderfully like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

I brought the happy happy joy joy monster home of course; it's the kind of thing one would love to hug and hold every day. The thing with monsters of this sort is that they need to be fed well every moment, or else they go skinny and fly away. I'm kinda low on happy happy joy joy feed right now, but I'm going to stretch it as far as it would go.


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