severe elev. | high elev.| moderate elev.| slight elev. || BASELINE || slight dep.| moderate dep. | deep dep. | severe dep. || anx: 1 | agit: 1
It's back to the packed track for me. After last week's relief ops volunteer work, I busied myself this week with my little hobby of making fashion accessories. Went to "the bead street" the other day and bought me a load of fresh supplies for making a new batch of bead jewelry. A friend thought to resell my axxes at a bazaar to help raise funds for our church's building project; I acquiesced of course, since that would mean a bit of income for me too. Since the other day I've been frantically twisting and looping to make a significant amount of stuff for selling. I've been enjoying creating new wearables. Wai! Wai! Mine fingers are now pink and thick and sore, mine nails nicked and dull.
Mine brain is constantly racing forward and unable to focus; I don't quite know where it is right now. Hello, elevation. Feel so creative today. I've been forgetting to feed myself or visit the bathroom. I don't even seem to have time to think.