Monday, February 28, 2011

Today's Favorite Word is Honey

today's weather: BASELINE
anxiety : o
agitation : o
today's guests: 23 donuts, a chunky slab of cake, organic lettuce and a lot of green bell peppers

I went to bed happy last night and I woke up with the afterglow. It's a peaceful, pleasant, contented kind of happy; not a furiously racing, manic elevation. It's nice and steady, silent and well-groomed; flowing and saccharine like honey.

Even if my allergies were acting up as I woke, and even if I found that the (irresistibly cute) rabbits made a mess outside their litter-boxes again, the start of the day was good.

Is it because of the box of Krispy Kremes (in my favorite flavor) that we got to take home for free last night and greeted me for breakfast this morning noon?

Is it because my usually-difficult to style hair behaved in just the way I wanted it to, possibly due to the new (sunshine-hued, bouquet-fragranced) SLS-free shampoo?

Is it because a usually suplado acquaintance sent a very lovely smile with a greeting my way, and it was an utter joy to watch that affable warmth spread across his (certainly not unattractive) face?

Is it due to the (clever though irreverent) humor of Nabokov, my current reading?

Or the four (hilarious) episodes of The Big Bang Theory I re-watched before going to bed last night?

Or all of the above?

Or perhaps none of them - but a mere settling of hormones, possibly including a significant and welcome pool of dopamine and/or serotonin?

Whichever way, I'm feeling smooth and glowing like honey.

Image from here.


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