Thursday, March 7, 2013

of bad guys and glitches

today's flavor: H U N K Y - D O R Y
anxiety : 0
agitation : 0

Last night I watched (a torrented version of) Wreck-It Ralph.  I stayed away from it when it was showing at the cinemas because I didn't think I'd enjoy another kids' movie.  Well, as it turns out - i love it.

It was really cute, especially the Sugar Rush scenes that made me sooo hungry (I wanted to eat the officer that looked like an eclair).  But I particularly appreciated it because of the main characters.

I don't know which video game antihero I could relate with more - Ralph or Vanellope.  I find a slither of myself in either of them.


So there's Ralph.  Always the bad guy, though he never wants to be.  He was viewed by the lovely townspeople as the villain, the wrecker, the guy who ruins things, and nothing more - it was his destiny, it was written into his code.  They didn't know that he was an important part of their game and they shun him from their little parties. He just wanted to belong like everyone else, and when he tried, he just made things worse.  But then he disappears, and the apartment people realize that they needed him, and that their existence actually depended on him.  He goes off elsewhere, ends up an unlikely hero, and then he comes home, he's suddenly celebrated and all's good.

And then there's Vanellope.  The pariah of Sugar Rush, a.k.a. "the Glitch".  Because of her faulty programming, she was considered a threat to others' safety and was thus banned from the races, the main preoccupation of the game.  A lunatic who set himself up as king saw to that, under the guise of "protecting her", though the only one he was protecting was himself.  Her dream in life is to join the races and win, but she was repeatedly reminded of her flaw and told that she can't.  But then she proves them all wrong, in the process deposing the impostor on the throne and finding out that she was the rightful princess all along. And that glitch in her that the candy people so condemned her for? - it's what the game players loved about her because it made her race faster.


Kinda summarizes my outcast-hood, my bipolarity, my relationship with church and my hopeful hope.  And my craving for sweets.  I love how they both get happy endings and everyone around them was happy for it. Not like real life at all, but it's nice.



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