severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | normal | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx : 0 , agit : 0
The start of each day is Lurch, lurch, lurch, lurch. Lurch, yawn, lurch, yawn. That is, after a night when I do get some sleep. Nothing necessarily connected with moods or meds or whichever; I just really love the bed in the morning. Especially when it's a mizzly, drizzly day like this one. Sometimes, I wake up and get up, and then I realize that was just part of my dream that I woke up and got up. It's hard to gain momentum when there isn't any. A grueling wrestling match with myself in a sea of taffy. Of course I actually manage to pull myself out and do something productive with the rest of my day, but that usually happens around noon.
Now, the evenings are a whole different story. Ever since I was in grade school, I've always noticed how I'm much more creative at night - sometimes even at those hours after twelve. I think faster, maybe clearer, and I feel a better sense of accomplishment. Of course I've tried adjusting my body clock; but I'm really just the night-owl type. And I think I like it that way. There's just one problem though: more people need my presence (and presence of mind) during the daytime, not at night.