Friday, August 1, 2008

Get-Togethers and Bridal Showers

severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | normal | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx : 0 , agit : 0

So I guess I'm at that time of life when I'll be attending one bridal shower after another, one wedding after another, haha. There was a phase of one debut after another, and then one grad after another; and I'm now sort of also moving into the one baby shower after another phase.

So anyway, another bridal shower tomorrow evening, one for my dear old friend who I hung out with through high school and college. Just a compact, simple party with snacks and drinks and games and guaranteed no strippers (so I've been told). I 'm not particularly a fan of bridal showers, but I'm quite excited to go to this one, since I'll be getting together with some of my old friends. I haven't really noticed how much I've missed them until recently when our cellphones were abuzz for the upcoming wedding.

I wasn't sure what sort of gift to "shower" the bride with, since we haven't spent time with each other in years and I'm not up to date with her recent development in tastes. I first thought of getting her a thong or some kinky negligee, but I figured a lot of the other girls would have easily thought of getting that as well (Hee-hee; what would she do with several lacey g-strings?). I next considered buying a sex toy - not an insanely profane one; a rather cute one actually - but I couldn't find it when I went to the shop where I first bought it for another friend. Finally I settled for putting together a spa-in-a-box: soaps, scrubs and scented stuff in a pretty basket. I think that would be more useful to her, especially through all this wedding-prep stress. She could even use it with (or on, wink wink) her new hubby on their wedding night.

I'm excited to present my present. I'm more excited to do some catching up with the ladies -- how's it been, who else is engaged, who became a ball-busting career woman, who turned out to be a pleasant housewife, who else has a chemical imbalance, haha. Speaking of which, it might just come up that I may want to share it with those I am closer to; I wouldn't mind. I think I'd rather like it, actually.


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