severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | normal | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx : 2 , agit : 2
A sliver of moonlight every morning in a dark, dank dungeon for a crime I was accused of but did not commit. Doomed for the oubliette.
Peculiar how people say they love you and need you; you realize that they love you for what you can do, not really for who you are. They give you praise for your little accomplishments and upbraid you for your failures. And when you begin to fail to perform to their expectations, they seem to forget who you are. They take back the bouquets of adorations that were formerly generously endowed. Begin to forget you when you cease to be of use to their purposes. Their cheap love and the politics of it. Freeze you out, banish you into the place of forgetting, insist it was never intentional but then refuse to offer any apology or comfort. That treacherous, forgetful love in that place that claims what it can't deliver. Attempted homicide that goes unpunished. Neighbors that pass your bludgeoned body daily but leave you for dead at the side of the road. Send you alone into the oubliette.