severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | normal | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx : 3 , agit : 3
aborted nighttime hibernation
aborted nighttime hibernation
reinforced agoraphobic experience
the absence of meaningful relation
And so I wasted a whole morning today in a vain attempt to make it more productive. Due to the above given equation and a few other variable factors (such a disturbing reminder, the lack of sleep and a void in my tummy where breakfast was supposed to be), the bloody sunrise spiralled downward into a muck-hazy noon.
Thus was the process involving the giving-birth to a headache and a misplaced artwork (a.k.a., vandalism on Hubby's office wall).
The only way to fix the emotional mess was to bawl it out and sleep it out. Won't do much for the vandalism, though.
Aside from a skewer to the jugular, I mean.
Things turned out hunky-dory in the afternoon, though it would have been better if the morning hadn't been spoiled.
I made a mental note (and another one, concerning making an expressed one for my hubby) that whenever possible, the above combination must be avoided, or at least its results be anticipated.