severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | normal | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx : 2 , agit : 2
I realized just the other day that i should have been doing research regarding my meds' contraindications. The reason that I hadn't bothered was because I supposed that my doctor would have warned me about anything detrimental or fatal.
I took her word - or rather, her lack of it - as she gave me the prescription for Lithium (a staple for BMD) a year ago. I reasoned for myself that after all, Lithium is supposedly naturally-occurring in the human organism, so she probably didn't have to warn me much except to adhere strictly to the prescribed dosage. I'm pretty sure that I told her about the other stuff I was taking - mostly just supplements of other naturally-occurring elements in the body such as melatonin, iron and calcium. There were things that I'd take whenever necessary, such as antihistamines or decongestants or pain-killers.
I don't quite remember why I was inspired to make a Google search on the contraindications of Lithium, but I'm glad I did the other day.
Anyway, to make the long story short, there are certain things I need to stay away from, such as certain decongestants and certain pain-killers (like ibuprofen and the thing that I usually take for my monthly-curse cramps) since they aren't really friends with Lithium. And those Calcium supplements - well, Calcium pretty much lowers Lithium. And I'm glad I didn't take my pastor's advice to ask for antidepressants; most antidepressants plus Lithium equals fatal.
One thing I'm particularly concerned about is that I've read that Lithium should not be taken by people with kidney disease since some of its side effects are dehydration and overworking the kidneys. Well, I don't have kidney disease, but I've had a history of infection that makes me prone to. So I have to make like a fish and drink a lake daily, to prevent both re-infection and dehydration. I definitely have to stay away from cola, coffee and tea.
Another concern is that as I looked up the side effects of Lithium, I noticed that some of which are similar to the symptoms of depression, such as fatigue, listlessness, clumsiness and low energy. It could be that those side effects trigger or worsen my depression.
Anyway, I'm glad I haven't taken or done anything extremely harmful while on Lithium. And thank God for Google which makes accessing info so simple.