Saturday, August 9, 2008

i'm not an addict

severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | normal | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx : 1 , agit : 1

Of course that's what all addicts say. ^_^

Addictions form because of enjoyment + the temporary comfort that the enjoyment gives = temporary bliss mistaken for relief = the temptation to indulge.

I can see why people are prone to addiction, bipolars especially. Basically, everybody wants a feelgood upper to alleviate whatever pain they may be feeling.

I don't think I've ever been addicted to anything.

Of course, maybe I can't tell.

I can say I've never had addictions - just fixations and tendencies to enjoy. (Hee hee hee)

I have had in the past a fixation on alcohol. I used to love the feeling of getting drunk (though not the rancid taste it leaves in my throat after) ; as I student I liked appearing in class wasted or high. I kinda miss the feeling.

I have in the past been a smoker. I eventually convinced myself that it's a dirty habit and ditched it - only to replace it with a newer habit of popping aspirins like candy. Then I ditched the aspirins for gum or lollipops -which kinda works, only they don't give the same serenity that nicotine or cannabis do.

I admit, I still have cravings to smoke or get drunk or cavort or do something depraved, but I have enough common sense in me to know which substances are habit-forming, which kind of behavior is despicable, and enough self-control to stay away, and am proud to say that I've been living clean for more than a decade now.

Of course, due to the necessary medication, I am still right now and forever will be a drug dependent - but a morally and socially acceptable kind.

I still do have the tendency to overindulge in certain adult behavior at certain times of the year, depending on how faithful I've been to the meds and where I am in the swing. Thank goodness I'm very married.

Right now I may have a growing addiction for going online. Going online soothes me somehow, makes me feel like I still have a worthwhile existence in the population sludge. I like to pretend that my nonsensical babble is being paid attention to. It comforts me somewhat to believe it.

... temporary comfort out of enjoyment mistaken for relief... something to indulge in.


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