Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I made strawberry pancakes this morning and scalloped potatoes this afterneen

severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | normal | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx : 0 , agit : 0

Upped the Li to one tab every single day now, as necessary. I can get through a day hunky-dorily as long as there are few-to-no triggers and / or stimuli. Things are rather fine and dandy except for an manageable amount of anxiety and agitation.

Contemplating less, writing less . Reading faster. Wanting to take advantage of the energy. Aching to go out more. Wanting to go to the beach (in September?!)

I habitually contemplate having ready access to one great cosmic eraser. Due to the excess in energy and enthusiasm, I happen to do and say things without much thought - pretty much like hitting the "publish" button without choosing the "edit" option. Thus my mind uses a whole chunk of its energy wishing I didn't do certain things I did the previous day. I muse about the Cosmic Eraser coming upon my summoning to rub out the recent past's stupidity.

Either that or I think about that Beatles song about happiness - the one that says happiness is a warm gun - and how it relates. Go figure what I've been thinking. The thing with most Beatles songs are their lyrics are too poetic and abstract that they can mean anything you want them to. In fact, I have a theory that for every situation in a person's life, there is a corresponding (or rather, correspond-able) Beatles song.

I made strawberry pancakes this morning and scalloped potatoes this afterneen . I realized I haven't cooked in a while. It felt nice to . I must be happy today .


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