Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh

severe elevation | high elevation|moderate elevation | slight elevation | stable | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx: 1, agit: 1

Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh.

Sometimes I have doubts and think that maybe I'm not really bipolar, but days like these, I am very much convinced. After missing my medication for several days , I'm witnessing myself elevate real clearly. And rapidly. Oh noes. It's not just racing thoughts anymore. That potentially unhealthy yes, I can demeanor is on.

That workaholic supergirl mentality:
I'm not just smart - I'm wickedly brilliant.
I'm not just productive - I'm unstoppably creative.
I'm not just active - I'm bouncing-off-the-walls hyper energetic.
I'm not just productive - I thrive on workahol.
I'm not just a positive thinker - I'm faith-filled and convinced I can change the world.
I'm not just supergirl - I'm God's gift to humanity.

Just last night, I got involved in organizing a large-ish seminar for the women in church to be held in a month. I said yes to co-emceeing at the event. It's just emceeing. No problem.

I'll be doing the souvenirs too. No problem. I'm the best person to be on top of that, since I'm the one who made the suggestion, and I'm the one who knows where to buy the stuff, and I'm the one who knows how to make it. It's just going to be 400 or so heart pedants - buy the supplies from way over in Manila, sort them out, put them together, package them up. Piece of cake, right?.

I'll be conceptualizing the program too. I'm good at that, so no problem.

And I'll be fleshing out the program. That's a small undertaking.

And on top of that, I agreed to take on Nini's orders for a few jewelry pieces. Can-do.

Of course I'm already in the middle of working on a large amount of preparing teaching material for the mentorship group sessions. I mean collating, researching, culturalizing, editing, layouting and re-editing. I'm currently in Lesson 6, which prolly has five to six meaty, deatailed sub-sessions; four more lessons to go after that.

And then I have that photo-editing job. A thousand photos, around.

All due within four weeks.

Of course, between all that I still have my other regular commitments.

I can do that, right?

Of course I can. And do it well. I'm manic.

Now I'm thinking maybe I should discontinue my medication for a while?

EDIT: Elevation can indeed be productive, but may soon become conterproductive. Here's why.


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