severely elevated | very elevated | moderately elevated | slightly elevated | HUNKY DORY! | slightly depressed | moderately depressed | deeply depressed | severe depressed || anx : 0| agit : 0
... I'm Sylvia Plath!
Thanks, thanks. I'm not surprised at all, but I am very much amused. Yeah, I'm one intense b***h. I'd call it an honor to be likened to her (even if just by a six-question, user-created quiz-for-the-utterly-bored in an overpopulated social networking site). For all her crazy, she is hypercool - in a dark, twisted disturbed sort of way.
I normally ignore those dumb FB quizzes, but the title seemed too fun: Which Crazy Bitch Are You? So I went click.
Plath was bipolar too, by the way. ;)