Sunday, March 1, 2009

muffled and miffled

severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | stable | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx: 1, agit: 1

My friend asked me yesterday, "Isn't medicine supposed to make things better?"

Well, yeah, I said. But I went on to explain that no medication of ever without side effects, contraindications and interactions.

It's possible that Lithium isn't the best medicine for BMD, but it's certainly the primary one - at least according to latest research. Besides, it's the only one available in this country that I can afford.

It's supposed to mute the emotions to help a bipolar to function better. In a certain regard, it's been effective in taming the extreme swings, but I still do get the swings - just not as extreme.

I can feel the big emotions - like anger, anxiety, happiness, frustration, fear, sorrow, excitement and so on. But it' been hard to feel the finer things like sensibilities and sensitivities. It's become rather obvious to me, for example, that I don't enjoy poetry, art and literature as much as I used to. Oh I still can; it's just not that sublime an experience anymore.


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