severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | stable | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx: 0, agit: 1
I know I said previously that I wished for back-to-back elevated episodes. I take that back. I just about committed another few virtual murders and remembered why elevations are so detestable. Gurgle, gurgle.
To keep the impending dip at bay, I found another (possibly exciting) project to involve myself in: co-directing a production of sorts. Mega coping technique right there. Good timing, i.y.a.m. ;) Directing a production is one of those things in my list of 101 things to do before I die, so I'm kinda looking forward to it. I've got this bit of apprehension of course because I'm quite sure it won't entirely be a pleasant experience (i.e., potential murders, Sanballats and other stressors) - still it's a gamble I'm willing to make. I'm pretty sure I'll be gaining more than I lose anyway.