severe elevation | high elevation | moderate elevation | slight elevation | stable | slight depression | moderate depression | deep depression | severe depression || anx: 1, agit: 0
I am right now striving to enjoy a serving of bad paella. No, I'm not being metaphoric; I'm really eating paella. It's funny that this particular serving of bad paella (bought from the church canteen) has the same ingredients as the really good paella I ate at a Spanish resto last week, but has an altogether different flavor. I therefore conclude that successful paella is not just a matter of ingredients but a matter of preparation.
So as they say, when life gives you lemons - or rice and tomato sauce for that matter ... be sure you know how to work the recipe.
So yesterday was a good day. It was a happy end to a very productive week.
For all that I hate about summer, I like summer in that it keeps me busy and therefore distracts me from potentially self-destructive thought patterns. I've got a good, clean sweep of normal/stable so far; whoopee-doo! I think there are a few symptoms of depression these days but I' far from feeling depressed because my current activities have been helping me cope. If I hadn't kept myself busy, I probably would have sunk into the depths of Mirkwood.
And bad paella makes Mirkwood a lot worse than it should be.