Friday, November 27, 2009

"you just call out my name ... and you know, wherever i am ...

severe elev. | high elev. | moderate elev. | slight elev. | BASELINE | slight dep. | moderate dep. | deep dep. | severe dep. || anx: 2, agit: 3

... i'll come running toward the opposite direction because your episodes are really hard to deal with and i'd really rather not get my hands dirty, i ain't your friend... "

You know how it is when "friends" are all friendly and touchy-feely when you don't actually need them, and when you do need them for real, they aren't ever available? Sucksville.

Pet Peeve # 34.

I just feel like assaulting a piece of furniture right now. You know, like in the manner Tom Cruise did when he got all excited about Katie Holmes. Except not in a happy way.

So it was that when certain "friends" heard about the condition, they mouthed out stuff like "How can i help?," "When you need a friend, you can call me anytime". These particular friends I happened to invite to dinner several times, most if not all times were instances in which I was depressed and needed company-slash-someone to talk to, and all not most times were declined by said "friends".

I am extra pisse right now - it''s half past two a.m. at the moment of writing and i still can't get over it - because certain unfriendly actions of said "friends" swung me to a mad elevation, and I just needed them to do some explaining. Said "friends" were, not surprisingly, not available. I made sure to send them each an SMS on how I felt about their token when-you-need-a-friend, you-can-call-me-anytime crap.

Friend FAIL. Friendship over. Good riddance. Go flatter somebody else. It wouldn't make a difference anyway because you're hardly ever there.

Okay, I know i will read this tomorrow and be embarrassed at the level of maturity with which i wrote. NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT DELETE. Hahaha :D Show the world your low E.Q. and be proud of how emotionally unstable you are.


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