Sunday, December 6, 2009

de-stressing distressing december

severe elev. | high elev. | moderate elev. | slight elev. | BASELINE | slight dep. | moderate dep. | deep dep. | severe dep. || anx: 1 | agit: 2

Just got back from a form of escape which I found helpful to slow things down. And dangit, I want to escape again. If I had the money, I'd do it every week.

Now that I'm back to whatever reality this is (and that, against my will), I will have to face numerous inanities and expectations associated with the commercialized, culturalized, bastardized version of the birth of Christ. I know I don't really have to, but that won't sit well with some people. But hah, as soon as January rolls in, they'd be distracted by real life as well and they'd forget my quasi-Scrooginess.

Which reminds me, I think I'd like to see that movie.

I will be ditching certain parties that I am pretty sure will rate high on the suckage meter. I'm going to choose which ones to go to, because I don't have to be at everything we've been invited to though people make me feel I do. I will not be their guilt-manipulated merry marionette. I think that's actually a good idea because I can waste my time doing something else I would actually enjoy more than putting on a mask and rubbing (filthy) elbows.

I will be skipping on the shopping and gift-giving this year. I don't want to be another victim of unnecessary stress. I already posted a note on Facebook - and I'll be posting it again soon - telling my friends that I don't mind not receiving anything this Christmas. I know that everyone's in a pinch and it would be much wiser for them to spend their money on their children or on the charity of their choice. Besides, I'd much rather NOT receive more useless trinkets and dust-catchers that senders think are good excuses for Christmas gifts.

I still will be skipping out on the lights, tinsel and trimming. Useless crap. Burns a hole in your budget and leaves your home looking all drab and lonely after they've been packed away. The only things I'll be decorating are the homes of my Facebook pets. They don't cost anything and they can be easily replaced with cheerier stuff after the holidays are over.

The Hubby and I will be hiding out on Christmas Eve. And we want it that way. I don't really care if we won't have Christmas ham and all the fancy- shmancy Noche Buena accessories. If we've got some hot chocolate, a thick blanket and each other, that'd be special enough.


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