severely elevated | very elevated | moderately elevated | slightly elevated | BASELINE | slightly depressed | moderately depressed | deeply depressed | severe depressed || anx : 0 | agit: 0
I started taking sleep-aid capsules again. This particular brand isn't friends with Lithium Carbonate, so it's good that I've been off Li for the past month. I think I need the sleep aids more than the Lithium right now. I already spent one entire night not sleeping, and I don't want another one.
It's around this time of the year that I escalate, so I'm going to have to watch it. I don't have any exciting or challenging activities lined up this summer (not anymore, sob sob, I miss you GenChurch), so that means triggers are likely to be kept to a manageable minimal-to-moderate.
Coming to think of it, it might just be a boring summer this year, now that the youth ministry days are over. Bummer. Now that gets me down.