Wednesday, May 29, 2013

the worst downward swing in the past 12 months

anxiety : 1
agitation : 1

unwanted guests: moderate dysania (stays until after noon), brittleness of resolve

Having been in a bitter, crushing, debilitating, judgment-impairing moderate depression in the past week or two, I'm climbing out of it now and am able to handle a bit more work without breaking down.  It was my worst downward swing in the past twelve months, and I'm glad it's showing signs of lifting.

Sometimes I doubt the diagnosis that I'm bipolar, but when I have episodes like this one - the kind that suddenly grabs me without warning, throws me down and locks me in a stranglehold I can't wrestle out of  - any shade of doubt dissipates.  When I can't get out of bed because I'm torn up about everything but really nothing in particular for no direct cause, and a physical heaviness in my bones sets in though I have no reason to feel fatigued, it's clearly a "natural" depression.  I turn into the most pathetic person in the world overnight, and it all happens from the inside.

I'm honestly getting bored of blogging about this roller-coaster ride, because I end up saying the same things over and over, only in different ways. Besides, nobody reads this anyway. I'm thinking about discontinuing this online journal, but I know I shouldn't, because it gives me a way to track my episodes.  Hah.  Anyway I'm sure I'll eventually come up with a fresher way to describe the woe and the wonder.


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